Pretty as a Daisy

So remember my friend I told you about?  They were calling her Pinky, then Gracie, but finally they found out her name is Daisy.  Daisy is supposed to be and English Bulldog, which is kind of like me.  The doctor said that she doesn’t have a skin infection, she just doesn’t have much hair.  She wears that pretty sweater though, and it keeps her warm.  Daisy is doing really good with her foster mom Julie.  She has a brother Chase and a sister Keelie to help her learn the rules.

Daisy is a happy dog, and if she had a tail, I think she would wag it and wag it and wag it… OH, do you suppose she wagged it off?  The problem is, Daisy has a troublesome tummy.  You see, she eats, then it comes back up.  She drinks, then it comes back up.  She keeps throwing up all over the house.  Her foster mom has to keeping cleaning and cleaning and cleaning.  Daisy feels so bad, she doesn’t mean to.  She isn’t real sure why she doesn’t feel good, and the vet and her mom can’t quite figure it out either.

So I thought that I would let you all know, that if you were going to buy me a Christmas present, I think I would rather that you send money for Daisy.  They hope that it is just the medicine that is making her tummy gurgle.  But what if it isn’t? What if she has to have lots more tests? What if she keeps getting sick? I just can’t imagine.

Remember, I was once very sick, and a bunch of nice people helped me by giving the Critter Crusaders money.  So if you have a few extra dollars this year, maybe you can help Daisy out.  And if not Daisy, then Jack takes lots of medicine, and Rocky is in pretty bad shape.  It seems there is always one of my silly 4 legged friends that needs help.

If it is easier, you can stop by one of the Theisen’s  here in Cedar Rapids, IA and check out our bake sales this weekend.  I will tell you more about that tomorrow.  But I thought I would give you a spoiler.  Yummy goodies!

About Tina-Critter Crusaders

Critter Crusaders exists to support the Health, Welfare and Adoption of animals at Cedar Rapids Animal Care and Control and reserves the right to assist other shelters and rescues by special request. Our mission is to provide advanced medical and surgical treatment that will lead to the restoration of health and adoption for our shelter animals. We also provide vetting and facilitate placement of animals that do not adopt through Cedar Rapids Animal Care and Control, into foster-based rescues as an alternative to euthanasia.

Posted on November 28, 2011, in Animal Rescue and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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